Welcome to TTRPG Nexus

This is the Home Page!

This site is a work in progress of all the games me and my friends play.

I just wanted a place that could properly hold the info and world building as well as the game resources required to run these games.

Officially, this is the first post I've made on this site, and hopefully there'll be more to come. Most of the things right now are Lorem Ipsum to practice the spacing of the web site.


This is where I put the disclaimer that none of the info on this site is for sale nor is the knowledge about these games being used in any commercial capacity. Nor is anyone claiming that they own the IP. I highly recommend people purchasing official copies of the game systems that we play here.

Any info with games that have franchises attached to them, that is posted on this website, can also be found on their respective wikis and other fandom based sites.

What is the Axiom Nexus?

The Axiom Nexus is a Transformers reference to a location where all of the different continuities and universes of the Transformers franchise touch each other. From my own understanding, it's just a convenient way to make crossover shenanigans happen easier. But it's also part of uniting the vary different parts of the "Greater" Transformers Universe.

The reference is just a joke on how the many games me and my home group play have overarching or repeated characters or character tropes and themes. It's all an interconnected web made of fun, camaraderie, and good roleplay.

Who runs this site?

It me yan_!

Hello! My name is yan_ and I'm the maker and curator for this site. I play in these games with my friends. The web site is a game resource depot but also kind of like a memory book. I'm very sentimental toward these games. I might also put in some Solo played games on here too. Dunno where the development of the site will go. I just want to be helpful.

Hope everyone enjoys these shenanigans!