Welcome to the Nexus Changelog

This is where me yan_ documents all of the updates so I don't lose track of shit.

Reminder for me that the posts are in reverse for chronological ease.

Update 010

24.August.2024 I plonk the keys

  • Updated Werewolf Main page
  • I know how to make dropdown menus now!
  • Going to rework on Dunhurst Neighborhoods side navigation
  • Done with Renown!
  • Done with Children of Gaia!
  • Started on Merits & Flaws for WoD
  • Need to finish up all the blurbs for the Garou Nation

Update 009

20.August.2024 More Awooooo News

  • Updated Werewolf Tribes!
  • finished the Bone Gnawers
  • Going to work on Children of Gaia
  • Almost done with Renown

Update 008

10.August.2024 Dunhurst Roll Out!

  • Updated Werewolf Resources!
  • Added Litany
  • Going to work Terminology for Werewolf
  • Werewolf Gifts done
  • Breed, Auspices, and most of Backgrounds done

Update 007

08.August.2024 Dunhurst Roll Out!

  • Dunhurst Settings Main page launch
  • Working on Resources page
  • Working on Neighbhorhoods in Dunhurst
  • Will work on more map images

Update 006

07.August.2024 I put the BOX IN A BOX

  • Streamlined the Black Fury section
  • Working on Bone Gnawers
  • Might work on the Sith Academy stuff on the side too
  • Updated Notion site

Update 005


  • Learned JAVASCRIPT & modals!!!
  • Test Gallery site good!
  • Downloaded Visual Code Studio. :')
    no more boo-boo updates using the Neocities' html editor hehe
  • Figured out how tribe organization works
  • New Postimages host site. Though Imgur back up still good.
  • More streamlining with better class elements now

Update 004

02.August.2024 Part 1 out of GAJILLION done

  • Finished Black Fury NPC gallery
  • Started on Bone Gnawers
  • Mid Construction on Black Fury Tribe Info
  • Added Tribes, Resources:Werewolf
  • Finalized imgur Host
  • Made Vampire Header Banner
  • Need to make To-Do list somewhere...
  • Just streamlined this site!!

Update 003

01.August.2024 AWOOOOOOO!!

  • Finalized color scheme for Werewolf Main page
  • Started on Black Furies
  • Added more resources for Main Nexus
  • Added Tribes, Resources:Werewolf, Star Wars Resources
  • WIP Campaign Diary?

Update 002

31.July.2024 All the pretty Colors

  • Finalized color scheme: Purple palette
  • Colorblind friendly
  • Cleaned up more of the Games page
  • Added Star Wars, Avatar, WoD, Dragon Game, & Parahumans
  • Made Werewolf web page

First Day!

30.July.2024 I am plonking away

Finally updated this site with cool new graphics and stuff after holding onto the account for 2 whole years!

Making this the coolest game directory for me and my friends. And if they don't like it, at least I will.

  • Made Home page
  • Made Games page
  • Made Resources page
  • Linked Notion site